Expo Museum Het Schip | Ams 750, Meterhuisje, till march 3th

Sunday Market, Westerpark, March 3th

Henri Verhoef |The Gay Agenda: A speculative Future, march 7th till march 30th

PACIFIC EXPO | Lennart Benjamin, Pacific, march 1th till April 30th

Voorjaarvakantie, Theater De Krakeling, February 17th Till 23th

The renovation of the Gashouder

Expo Museum Het Schip | Ams 750, Meterhuisje, till march 3th

Sunday Market, Westerpark, March 3th

Henri Verhoef |The Gay Agenda: A speculative Future, march 7th till march 30th

The Cultural District of Amsterdam Week Museum Het Schip Luna 3+ Eitje 3+ TENT 6+ Fun House _ The Carnival Edition The Cultural District of Amsterdam Month Sky Night Experience POPpulisme 8+ Sunday Market Binnenbeest 6+ Henri Verhoef – The Gay Agenda: A Speculative Future The Cultural District of Amsterdam Upcoming Rapunzel 3+ De grootste goochelshow 6+ De grootste goochelshow 6+ LOEV 8+ Da Bounce

PACIFIC EXPO | Lennart Benjamin, Pacific, march 1th till April 30th

Voorjaarvakantie, Theater De Krakeling, February 17th Till 23th

The renovation of the Gashouder