Expo Museum Het Schip | Ams 750, Meterhuisje, till march 3rd

Valentine’s Market | Sunday Market, Westerpark, feb 2nd

Roze Filmdagen | AMS 750, Meterhuisje, march 7th till march 30th

Kino Pacific | Pulp Fiction, Pacific, jan 22th

WAS, Theater De Krakeling, Feb 16th

The renovation of the Gashouder

Expo Museum Het Schip | Ams 750, Meterhuisje, till march 3rd

Valentine’s Market | Sunday Market, Westerpark, feb 2nd

Roze Filmdagen | AMS 750, Meterhuisje, march 7th till march 30th

The Cultural District of Amsterdam Week Da Bounce MARKET Lennox 8+ Blok & Doos 2+ Blok & Doos 2+ The Cultural District of Amsterdam Month Museum Het Schip BestFriends 7+ Anansi de Spin – sterker dan de olifant 4+ Sunday Market (Valentine’s Market) Krakeling met de kleintjes 2+ The Cultural District of Amsterdam Upcoming POPpulisme 8+ Sunday Market Binnenbeest 6+ Alleen maar lieve jongens 8+ Roze Filmdagen

Kino Pacific | Pulp Fiction, Pacific, jan 22th

WAS, Theater De Krakeling, Feb 16th

The renovation of the Gashouder